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Creating a Brief
A brief is nothing but your insight requirement. On the InsightGig platform, a brief has the following fields associated with it. These fields guide you in detailing your requirement.
The fields are as follows.
- Project objective: The objective of your insight project. Keep it short and specific so that experts are able to understand your objective quickly. This field has a restriction of 60 characters as the content is used in other platform sections to identify projects easily.
- Project description: Provide a full description of your project. Answer questions like the following.
- Why are you looking to commission this insight project?
- How will the insight from the project be used?
- What decisions would you take based on the output of this project?
- Do you expect a specific methodology or approach to be followed?
- What is the geographical scope of the project? etc.
- (There are no word limits on this field!)
- Category of service required: Which type of insight service does this fall into? You have a range of options to choose from. If the service is not listed in the list, choose Others and write your category in freestyle.
- Category of industry/sector: Which industry or sector does this brief belong to? You have a range of options to choose from. If the service is not listed in the list, choose Others and write your category in freestyle.
- Supporting documents (optional): We strongly recommend providing additional documents which help experts understand your exact need. For example, you might have a Word document with the full scope of the project. However, this field is optional. You can upload documents with the following extensions; PDF, DOC, XLS, and PPT.
- Project timelines: Enter your expected timeline for the project in days or weeks.
- Budget range: Indicate your budget range, the lower and higher limit. You can either indicate the amount in INR or USD.
- Does the project require physical presence?: Some projects require the physical presence of the expert in a particular location or region. There are other projects which can be done remotely. You can indicate so in this field.
- If yes to the previous question, the location(s) where presence is required: If you indicate Yes in the previous question, you can enter the location(s) where presence is required.
Go for detail!
Our recommendation is to fill each of these in detail so that experts have a good idea about your requirement. Always remember that the lesser the detailing, the more likely that you will not attract the right experts for your requirement.
- Start by clicking the circular menu button on the top right and choosing 'Create a brief.'

- In the first section, called Description, you must provide the Objective and Description of your insight project. Once you enter both, the button to move to the next section will activate.

- In the second section, called Industry & Services, you need to specify the type of Service(s) you need and the Industry that the requirement belongs to. You can click on 'Add Service' & 'Add industry' and start typing the details. If the auto-suggestions do not match your requirement, you can always type in the full information manually, and that will be added to the list and be available as an option for the briefs you create in the future.

Here are some of the commonly used options
- End-to-End Research
- Customer Experience Management
- Data Analytics
- Moderation
- Fieldwork
- Respondent Recruitment
- Online Panels
- Qualitative Research
- Research Design/Questionnaire
- Development
- Reporting
- Brief/Proposal Development
- Quantitative Research
- UX Research
- Project Management
- Story Telling
- B2B
- Pharma
- Tech & Startups
- Automotive
- Finance
- Aviation
- Others
- The final section is titled 'Additional Info.' Here, you can upload supporting documents (up to 3 files), indicate the expected project timeline in days or weeks, and the budget range for this project in USD OR INR.

- You can also indicate if the expert needs to be physically available at a specified location to execute this project and if yes, indicate the location(s).

That's it to creating a brief on our platform!