Public and Private Briefs
You can either choose to post a brief publicly or send them privately to specific expert(s) on the InsightGig platform. Choose to post publicly when you would like to maximize the number of experts who quote for your requirement OR if you don't want to look for specific expert(s) of your choice on your own. Choose to send requirements privately when you are particular about the experts with whom you would like to work on the project.
All experts registered on the InsightGig platform can view publicly posted briefs. This lets you reach multiple experts simultaneously, maximizing your chances of getting proposals. Post reviewing the proposals, you can accept or decline one or more proposals. To post a brief publicly, follow the initial steps for creating a brief and select Post Brief Publicly.
All the Insight Partners registered on the InsightGig platform can search for your brief and send a proposal if they feel they have the expertise to meet your objective. When you post a brief publicly, experts have to search for your brief on the platform. Each expert is not notified via mail about a new brief being available for them to consider.
Hide confidential information!
Ensure you do not include any confidential information on a Public Brief, including in the attachments you upload while creating the brief.
Private sharing option is also available on a publicly posted brief
Even if you post a brief publicly, you can later send it privately to an expert. The brief will be stored in the My Briefs section; you do not need to recreate the requirement.
You can also send a brief directly to your preferred expert whom you have identified on the platform through the search option.
- The initial step of creating a brief remains the same. Select Share Brief Privately at the end.
- You will now see the full view of the brief. This is how experts will see the brief as well. The platform will also indicate that This is your own brief.
- You can now search for the expert with whom the brief is to be shared. You can search by name, location, or by specific search terms that you have.
Empty search
If you would simply like to see all the experts registered on the platform, do an empty search i.e., press enter with no text in the search bar.
- Once you open the expert's profile, you'll be shown the 'Send Project Brief' option.
- Selecting this option opens a dialog box that lets you select any brief available in your My briefs section in chronological order of creation. Once you choose the brief, the Submit button will activate. Proceed to send the brief to the expert. The expert will receive an email indicating that you have sent a brief to them.
Good to know
All briefs created by you, including the ones posted publicly, can be sent as a Private Brief directly to an expert.
By sending a brief privately, you have established 1-1 communication with the specific expert. Therefore, a collaboration page will open up with the title You've sent a brief to [INSIGHT PARTNER FIRST NAME]. The transaction page has several features, including a 1-1 chat option. We will discuss about this page later in the Collaboration section.