Multi-user collaboration on projects
Sometimes, you would need multiple users to collaborate on a project. On the InsightGig platform, you can easily invite other users or get invited yourself to the project collaboration page!
Good to know!
Currently, multi-user collaboration is possible after the Client Lead accepts the proposal from the Expert Lead. It is not possible to collaborate on the platform before.
On InsightGig, any user collaborating on a project can have one of these roles.
Client Lead: The Client account who initiated the project, i.e., created and posted/shared the brief. They can invite Client Invitees to collaborate on a project.
Client Invitee: A Client account that the Client Lead invites to collaborate on the project. They have to be in the same Firm as the Client Lead.
Expert Lead: The expert who sent the project proposal for the brief. They can invite Expert Invitees and Third Party Experts to collaborate on a project.
Expert Invitee: An Expert account who the Expert Lead invites to collaborate on the project. They have to be in the same Firm as the Expert Lead.
Third Party Expert: Any third-party expert who the Expert Lead invites to collaborate on the project. They need not be in the same firm as the Expert Lead.
The above roles are at a project level and not at a Firm level. Therefore, any Client account can be a Client Lead for a project. They could be an Admin at a Firm, a Team member at a Firm, or an independent Client account not linked to any Firm.
As a Client Lead, you can invite other Client Invitees from your Firm to collaborate on a project. It just takes three steps!
- Open the project collaboration page and expand the
- Click on
- The user will be notified by email to accept the invite to collaborate on the project.
- If you invite a user outside those in your Firm or an expert, error messages will be displayed.
The email to collaborate on a project looks like this. The Client Invitee needs to click the link on this email and proceed to accept the invitation inside the InsightGig platform.
Log in and then accept the invite!
The invitation link will open directly from the email only if the user is already logged in to the platform. If you find yourself on the home page after logging in, simply click the link on the invitation again from the same browser where you are logged in beforehand. You will be able to see the accept invitation page.
For Client Invitees, the project will appear under the Collaborator tab in the Inbox.